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Local Bankruptcy Rules Forms

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Form/LBR #sort ascending Effective Date
Order: Granting Application and Setting Hearing on Shortened Notice/Denying Application for Order Setting Hearing on Shortened Notice [LBR 9075-1(b)]   F 9075-1.1.ORDER.SHORT.NOTICE 12/2013
Application for Order Setting Hearing on Shortened Notice [LBR 9075-1(b)]   F 9075-1.1.APP.SHORT.NOTICE 12/2012
Exhibit Tag (Defendant) MANDATORY  F 9070-1.2.TAG.DEFENDANT 06/2017
Exhibit Tag (Plaintiff) MANDATORY  F 9070-1.1.TAG.PLAINTIFF 06/2017
Transcript Redaction Request   F 9037-1.2.TRANSCRIPT.REDACT.REQUEST 06/2015
Notice of Intent to Request Redaction of Transcript   F 9037-1.2.TRANSCRIPT.REDACT.NOTICE 06/2015
Order on Motion for Protective Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 107(c) and FRBP 9037 to Restrict Access to Filed Documents Containing Personal Data Identifiers   F 9037-1.1.ORDER.RESTRICT.PERS.ID 11/2014
Motion for Protective Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 107(c) and FRBP 9037 to Restrict Access to Filed Documents Containing Personal Data Identifiers   F 9037-1.1.MOTION.RESTRICT.PERS.ID 11/2014
Debtor’s Request to Update Electronic Noticing (DeBN) MANDATORY  F 9036-1.1.DeBN.UPDATE 06/2018
Debtor’s Request to Deactivate Electronic Noticing (DeBN) MANDATORY  F 9036-1.1.DeBN.DEACTIVATE 12/2014
Debtor’s Request to Activate Electronic Noticing (DeBN) MANDATORY  F 9036-1.1.DeBN.ACTIVATE 06/2018
Notice of Status Conference Re Removal of Action MANDATORY  F 9027-1.NOTICE.STATCONF.REMOVAL 12/2014
Notice Of Lodgment Of Order In Bankruptcy Case Re: MANDATORY  F 9021-1.2.BK.NOTICE.LODGMENT 12/2012
Notice Of Lodgment Of Order Or Judgment In Adversary Proceeding Re: MANDATORY  F 9021-1.2.ADV.NOTICE.LODGMENT 12/2012
Proof of Service of Document MANDATORY  F 9013-3.1.PROOF.SERVICE 06/2012
Notice of Voluntary Dismissal of a Contested Matter [FRBP 9014(c) and LBR 9013-1(k)]   F 9013-1.5.MOTION.VOL.DISMISSAL 06/2014
Declaration of Debtor Re Postpetition Income and Expenses as of the Following Date:__   F 9013-1.5.DEC.POSTPETITION.INC.EXP 12/2014
Notice of Non-Opposition   F 9013-1.4.NOTICE.NONOPPOSITION 12/2012
Notice of Opposition and Request for a Hearing   F 9013-1.3.OPPOSITION.REQ.HEARING 12/2012
Notice of Opportunity to Request a Hearing on Motion [LBR 9013-1(o)]   F 9013-1.2.OPPORTUNITY.HEARING.NOTICE 12/2016
Declaration That No Party Requested a Hearing on Motion [LBR 9013-1(o)(3)] MANDATORY  F 9013-1.2.NO.REQUEST.HEARING.DEC 12/2016
Notice of Motion for Order Without Hearing [LBR 9013-1(p) or (q)]   F 9013-1.2.NO.HEARING.NOTICE 12/2015
Hearing Notice MANDATORY  F 9013-1.1.HEARING.NOTICE 12/2012
Notice of Transcript(s) Designated for an Appeal   F 8004-1.1.NOTICE.TRANSCRIPT 06/2016
Application for Waiver of the Appellate Filing Fee in a Chapter 7 Case MANDATORY  F 8002-1.APPEAL.FEE.WAIVER.APP 06/2016
Order on Motion: (A) to Deposit Funds into the Court’s Registry, or (B) to Disburse Funds Out of the Court’s Registry MANDATORY  F 7067-1.1.ORDER.REGISTRY.FUND 12/2016
Default Judgment (based on prior judgment)   F 7055-1.2.DEFAULT.JMT.PRIOR 12/2013
Plaintiff’s Motion for Default Judgment Under LBR 7055-1 MANDATORY (REVISED) F 7055-1.2.DEFAULT.JMT.MOTION 12/2017
Default Judgment (without prior judgment)   F 7055-1.2.DEFAULT.JMT 12/2013
Request for Clerk to Enter Default under LBR 7055-1(a) MANDATORY  F 7055-1.1.REQ.ENTER.DEFAULT 12/2012
Notice Of Voluntary Dismissal of An Adversary Proceeding That Does Not Involve Claims Under 11 U.S.C. § 727   F 7041-1.ADV.VOLUNTARY.DISMISSAL 06/2014
Request for Disclosure of Discovery Documents Under LBR 7026-2(d)   F 7026-2.1.DISCOVERY.REQUEST 12/2016
Joint Status Report - Additional Party Attachment MANDATORY  F 7016-1.STATUS.REPORT.ATTACH 12/2015
Joint Status Report LBR 7016-1(a)(2) MANDATORY  F 7016-1.STATUS.REPORT 12/2015
Status Conference and Scheduling Order Pursuant to Local Bankruptcy Rule 7016-1(a)(4)   F 7016-1.2.ORDER.STATUS.CONF 12/2014
Summons and Notice of Status Conference in Adversary Proceeding MANDATORY  F 7004-1.SUMMONS.ADV.PROC 12/2016
Request that the Clerk Issue Another Summons and Notice of Status Conference MANDATORY  F 7004-1.2.REQUEST.ANOTHER.SUMMONS 12/2015
Notice of Sale of Estate Property MANDATORY  F 6004-2.NOTICE.SALE 12/2012
Declaration to be Filed with Motion Establishing Administrative Procedures RE 28 U.S.C. § 156(c) MANDATORY  F 5075-1.1.DEC.ADMIN.PROCEDURES 12/2012
Order on Motion in a Chapter 7 or 13 Case (1) to Reopen Case and (2) for Extension of Time to File Forms Required for Discharge [LBR 5010-1] MANDATORY  F 5010-1.1.ORDER.REOPEN.CERT 12/2015
Motion in a Chapter 7 or 13 Case (1) to Reopen Case and (2) for Extension of Time to File Forms Required for Discharge [LBR 5010-1; 9013-1(q)(11)] MANDATORY  F 5010-1.1.MOTION.REOPEN.CERT 12/2015
Order Approving Reaffirmation Agreement with Notice of Entry   F 4008-1.4.ORDER.APPROVE.REAFF 12/2013
Order Disapproving Reaffirmation Agreement with Notice of Entry   F 4008-1.3.ORDER.DENY.REAFF 12/2013
Plaintiff’s (Debtor’s) Motion for Default Judgment re Complaint to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence [11 U.S.C. § 506(a),(d), FRBP 3021]F 4003-2.5.JR.LIEN.DEFAULT.MOTION MANDATORY (REVISED) F 4003-2.5.JR.LIEN.DEFAULT.MOTION 12/2017
Debtor’s Complaint to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence [11 U.S.C. § 506(a),(d); FRBP 3012]   F 4003-2.5.JR.LIEN.COMPLAINT 12/2012
Default Judgment RE Complaint to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence [11 U.S.C. § 506(a),(d); FRBP 3012]   F 4003-2.5.DEFAULT.JUDGMENT 12/2013
Order RE: Motion to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence (After Plan Completion Discharge) [11 U.S.C. § 506(d)]  (REVISED) F 4003-2.4.ORDER.AFTERDISCH 12/2017
Order Granting/Denying Motion to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence [11 U.S.C. § 506(d)] (  (REVISED) F 4003-2.4.JR.LIEN.ORDER 12/2017
Debtor’s Notice of Motion and Motion to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence [11 U.S.C. § 506(d)]   F 4003-2.4.JR.LIEN.MOTION 12/2017
Declaration RE Debtor's Motion to Avoid Junior Lien on Principal Residence  (REVISED) F 4003-2.4.DEC.AFTERDISCH 12/2017
Order Granting/Denying Debtor’s Motion to Avoid Lien Under 11 U.S.C.§ 522(f) and, if Applicable, for Turnover of Personal Property MANDATORY (REVISED) F 4003-2.2.AVOID.LIEN.PP.ORDER 12/2017
Debtor’s Notice of Motion and Motion to Avoid Lien Under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) and, if Applicable, for Turnover of Property (Personal Property)  (REVISED) F 4003-2.2.AVOID.LIEN.PP.MOTION 12/2017
Order Granting/Denying Debtor’s Motion to Avoid Lien Under 11 U.S.C.§ 522(f) (Real Property) MANDATORY (REVISED) F 4003-2.1.AVOID.LIEN.RP.ORDER 12/2017
Debtor’s Notice of Motion and Motion to Avoid Lien Under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) (Real Property)  (REVISED) F 4003-2.1. AVOID.LIEN.RP.MOTION 12/2017
Statement Regarding Cash Collateral or Debtor in Possession Financing MANDATORY  F 4001-2.STMT.FINANCE 12/2015
Order RE Motion in Individual Case for Order Confirming Termination of Stay With Respect to Debtor [11 U.S.C.§ 362(c)(3)] or that No Stay is in Effect [11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(4)(A)(ii)] MANDATORY  F 4001-1.TERM.STAY.ORDER 12/2013
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Case for Order Confirming Termination of Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3) or that No Stay is in Effect Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(4)(A)(ii) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.TERM.STAY.MOTION 12/2012
Order Granting Motion for Order Establishing Adequate Protection, Including Procedures to Return Seized Property MANDATORY (NEW) F 4001-1.SEIZED.PROPERTY.ORDER 07/2021
Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Establishing Adequate Protection, Including Procedures to Return Seized Personal Property  (NEW) F 4001-1.SEIZED.PROPERTY.MOTION 07/2021
Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Unlawful Detainer) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.UD.ORDER 06/2014
Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay or for Order Confirming that the Automatic Stay Does Not Apply Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(l) (with supporting declarations) (Unlawful Detainer) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.UD.MOTION 06/2014
Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Real Property) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.RP.ORDER 06/2014
Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief from the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (With Supporting Declarations) Regarding Real Property MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.RP.MOTION 06/2017
Declaration Re Postpetition Payments in Reply to Debtor's Opposition to Motion for Relief From Automatic Stay   F 4001-1.RFS.RP.DEC.REPLY 12/2012
Response to Motion Regarding The Automatic Stay And Declaration(s) in Support   F 4001-1.RFS.RESPONSE 06/2014
Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Personal Property) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.PP.ORDER 06/2014
Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (with supporting declarations) (Personal Property) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.PP.MOTION 06/2014
Order Granting Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Action in Nonbankruptcy Forum) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.NONBK.ORDER 06/2014
Notice of Motion and Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (with supporting declarations) (Action in Nonbankruptcy Forum) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.NONBK.MOTION 06/2014
Order Denying Motion for Relief From the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362 MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.DENY.ORDER 06/2014
Order Granting Motion for (1) Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362, and (2) Relief from Turnover under 11 U.S.C. § 543 by Prepetition Receiver or Other Custodian MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.CUST.ORDER 12/2013
Notice of Motion and Motion for (A) Relief From the Automatic Stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362 (Real Property): and (B) Relief from Turnover under 11 U.S.C. § 543 by Prepetition Receiver or Other Custodian (with supporting declarations) MANDATORY  F 4001-1.RFS.CUST.MOTION 12/2012
Order Granting Motion for Order Imposing a Stay or Continuing the Automatic Stay MANDATORY  F 4001-1.IMPOSE.STAY.ORDER 06/2018
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Case for Order Imposing a Stay or Continuing the Automatic Stay as the Court Deems Appropriate MANDATORY  F 4001-1.IMPOSE.STAY.MOTION 12/2012
Declaration of ________________ RE: Default Under Adequate Protection Order; Request for Entry of Order Granting Relief From Stay MANDATORY  F 4001-1.DEC.DEFAULT.ADEQ 12/2012
Declaration of Agent for Standing Trustee MANDATORY  F 4001-1.DEC.AGENT.TRUSTEE 12/2012
Order Granting Trustee’s Motion for Order Continuing the Automatic Stay, for Adequate Protection and for Delivery of Personal Property in Individual Case MANDATORY  F 4001-1.CONT.STAY.TRUSTEE.ORDER 12/2013
Trustee’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Continuing the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(h)(2), for Adequate Protection and for Delivery of Personal Property in Individual Case MANDATORY  F 4001-1.CONT.STAY.TRUSTEE.MOTION 12/2012
Order Granting Debtor's Application for Order Confirming that Loan Modification Discussion Will Not Violate Stay   F 4001-1.6.ORDER.DEBTOR.APP 12/2013
Debtor's Application for Order Confirming that Loan Modification Discussion Will Not Violate Stay   F 4001-1.6.DEBTOR.APP.LOAN.MOD 12/2012
Lessor’s Certification of (1) Prepetition Eviction Action Seeking Possession of Residential Property Based on Debtor’s Prepetition Endangerment of Property or Illegal Use of a Controlled Substance, or (2) Endangerment of the Property or Illegal Use of a C   F 4001-1.4.LESSOR.CERT 12/2012
Debtor’s Objection to Lessor’s Certification and Notice of Hearing (11 U.S.C. § 362(m)(2)(A) and (B))   F 4001-1.4.DEBTOR.OBJECT.CERT 12/2012
Lessor’s Objection to Debtor’s Certification and/or Debtor’s Further Certification Concerning Residential Property and Notice of Hearing (11 U.S.C. § 362(l)(3)(A)) MANDATORY (REVISED) F 4001-1.2.LESSOR.OBJECT.CERT 12/2017
Order Granting/Denying Motion in Chapter 11 Case for the Entry of: a Final Decree and Order Closing Case; or an Order Closing Case on Interim Basis   F 3022-1.1.ORDER.CLOSE.CH11.CASE 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Chapter 11 Case for the Entry of: a Final Decree and Order Closing Case; or an Order Closing Case on Interim Basis   F 3022-1.1.MOTION.CLOSE.CH11.CASE 06/2015
Plan Ballot Summary   F 3018-2.PLAN.BALLOT.SUMMARY 12/2014
Exhibits to Chapter 11 Disclosure Statement and Chapter 11 Plan   F 3018-1.CH11.PLAN.DS.EXHIBITS 06/2014
Chapter 11 Plan   F 3018-1.CH11.PLAN 06/2014
Chapter 11 Disclosure Statement   F 3017-1.CH11.DISCLSR.STMT 06/2014
Debtor’s Certificate of Compliance Under 11 U.S.C. § 1328(a) and Application for Entry of Discharge MANDATORY  F 3015-1.8.DISCHARGE.APPLICATION 12/2016
Rights and Responsibilities Agreement Between Chapter 13 Debtors and Their Attorneys MANDATORY (REVISED) F 3015-1.7.RARA 05/2024
Declaration Setting Forth Postpetition, Preconfirmation Payments on: 1) Deeds of Trust Payments [or Mortgages]; 2) Leasese on Personal Property: 3) Purchase Money Security Liens on Personal Property [LBR 3015-1(e) and LBR 3015-1(m)] MANDATORY  F 3015-1.4.DEC.PRECONF.PYMTS 06/2012
Chapter 13 Trustee’s Order Deeming Claim Satisfied   F 3015-1.3.ORDER.CLAIM.STSFD 12/2017
Chapter 13 Trustee’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Entry of Order Deeming Claim Satisfied MANDATORY  F 3015-1.3.MOTION.CLAIM.STSFD 12/2017
Debtor’s Notice of Conversion of Bankruptcy Case from Chapter 13 to Chapter 7 [11 U.S.C. § 1307(a), LBR 1017-1, LBR 3015-1(q)(2)]   F 3015-1.21.NOTICE.CONVERT.CH13 12/2012
Declarations of Current/Postpetition Income and Expenses   F 3015-1.20.DEC.INCOME.EXPENSE 12/2012
Order on Application of Attorney for Debtor for Allowance of Fees and Expenses Following Dismissal or Conversion of Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement   F 3015-1.19.ORDER.CH13.FEES.DMCON 12/2017
Application of Attorney for Debtor for Allowance of Fees and Expenses Following Dismissal or Conversion of Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (RARA)   F 3015-1.19.APP.CH13.FEES.DMCON 05/2024
Debtor's Motion for Voluntary Dismissal of Chapter 13 Case MANDATORY  F 3015-1.18.DEBTOR.MOTION.DISMISS 12/2012
Debtor's Motion for Authority to Incur Debt [Personal Property] MANDATORY  F 3015-1.17.MOTION.BORROW.PP 12/2012
Debtor's Motion for Authority to Sell Real Property Under LBR 3015-1(p) MANDATORY  F 3015-1.16.MOTION.SELL.RP 12/2012
Debtor's Motion for Authority to Refinance Real Property Under LBR 3015-1(p) MANDATORY  F 3015-1.15.MOTION.REFI.RP 12/2012
Order On Debtor's Motion to: Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments; Refinance Real Property; See Real Property; Enter into Loan Modification; and Other MANDATORY  F 3015-1.14.ORDER.CH13.GENRL 12/2013
Trustee's Comments on or Objection To: MANDATORY  F 3015-1.13.TRUSTEE.COMMENT.GENRL 12/2012
Order on Application for Additional Fees and Related Expenses in a Pending Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement [11 U.S.C. § 330(a)(4)(B); LBR 3015-1(Q)(6)]  (REVISED) F 3015-1.12.ORDER.CH13.FEES 12/2017
Application of Attorney for Debtor for Additional Fees and Related Expenses in a Pending Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (RARA)  (REVISED) F 3015-1.12.APP.CH13.FEES 05/2024
Chapter 13 Trustee’s Comments on or Objection to Application for Allowance of Fees and Expenses Following Dismissal or Conversion of Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement   F 3015-1.11.TRUSTEE.COMMENT.FEES.DMCON 12/2017
Chapter 13 Trustee’s Comments on or Objection to Application for Additional Fees and Related Expenses in a Pending Chapter 13 Case Subject to a Rights and Responsibilities Agreement  (REVISED) F 3015-1.11.TRUSTEE.COMMENT.FEES 12/2017
Order Denying Claim Objection for Failure to Prosecute   F 3015-1.10.ORDER.CLAIM.OBJ.FTP 12/2017
Chapter 13 Trustee’s Notice of Motion and Motion for Entry of Order Denying Claim Objection for Failure to Prosecute MANDATORY  F 3015-1.10.MOTION.CLAIM.OBJ.FTP 12/2017
Declaration of Contribution to Chapter 13 Plan   F 3015-1.09.DEC.CONTRIBUTION 12/2015
Declaration RE Filing of Tax Returns and Payment of Domestic Support Obligations (Preconfirmation) MANDATORY  F 3015-1.08.DEC.TAX.DSO 12/2012
Notice of Motion Under LBR 3015-1(n) and (w) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments MANDATORY  F 3015-1.05.NOTICE.MODIFY.SUSPEND 12/2016
Motion Under LBR 3015-1(n) and (w) to Modify Plan or Suspend Plan Payments MANDATORY  F 3015-1.05.MOTION.MODIFY.SUSPEND 12/2012
Attachment D to Chapter 13 Plan (11 U.S.C. § 522(f)): avoidance of non-possessory, nonpurchase-money liens, or judicial liens, on personal property MANDATORY  F 3015-1.04D.PLAN.ORDER.PP.ATTACH 12/2017
Attachment C to Chapter 13 Plan (11 U.S.C. § 522(f)): avoidance of real property judicial liens) MANDATORY  F 3015-1.04C.PLAN.ORDER.RP.ATTACH 12/2017
Attachment B to Chapter 13 Plan (11 U.S.C. § 506): valuation/lien avoidance in the Plan) MANDATORY  F 3015-1.04B.PLAN.ORDER.RP.ATTACH 12/2017
Order Confirming Chapter 13 Plan (for Chapter 13 Plans Filed ON or AFTER April 15, 2019) MANDATORY (REVISED) F 3015-1.03.ORDER.CNFRM.CH13.PLAN 04/2019
Debtor’s Notice of (1) 11 U.S.C. Section 341(a) Meeting, and (2) Hearing on Confirmation of Chapter 13 Plan and Modification of Secured Claim(s), with Copy of Chapter 13 Plan MANDATORY  F 3015-1.02.NOTICE.341.LIEN.MOD.PLAN.CNFRM 12/2017
Debtor’s Notice Of (1) 11 U.S.C. Section 341(a) Meeting of Creditors, and (2) Hearing on Confirmation of Chapter 13 Plan, with Copy of Chapter 13 Plan MANDATORY (REVISED) F 3015-1.02.NOTICE.341.CNFRM 12/2017
Chapter 13 Plan (for Chapter 13 Plans Filed ON or AFTER April 15, 2019) MANDATORY (REVISED) F 3015-1.01.CHAPTER13.PLAN 04/2019
Order Re: Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Determining Value of Collateral   F 3012-1.ORDER.VALUATION 12/2013
Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Determining Value of Collateral   F 3012-1.MOTION.VALUATION 06/2013
Motion for Order Releasing Unclaimed Funds   F 3011-1.MOTION.UNCLAIMED.FUNDS 12/2019
Notice of Trustee's/Debtor's Request for a Copy of Proof of Claim   F 3007-1.2.NOTICE.REQ.CLAIM 12/2012
Order on Objections to Claims   F 3007-1.1.ORDER.OBJ.CLAIM 12/2013
Notice of Objection to Claim MANDATORY  F 3007-1.1.NOTICE.OBJ.CLAIM 12/2012
Order Setting Bar Date for Filing Proofs of Claim   F 3003-1.ORDER.BARDATE 12/2015
Notice of Bar Date for Filing Proofs of Claim in a Chapter 11 Case MANDATORY  F 3003-1.NOTICE.BARDATE 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion for Order Setting Bar Date for Filing Proofs of Claim   F 3003-1.MOTION.BARDATE 12/2015
Request for Issuance of Notice of Transfer of Claim Pursuant to FRBP 3001(e)   F 3001-1.REQ.TRANSFER.CLAIM 12/2012
Notice of Transfer of Claim Pursuant to FRBP 3001(e)   F 3001-1.NOTICE.TRANSFER.CLAIM 12/2012
Substitution of Attorney   F 2091-1.SUBSTITUTION.ATTY 12/2014
Debtor's Attorney's Disclosure of Compensation Arrangement in Individual Chapter 7 Case MANDATORY  F 2090-1.CH7.ATTY.COMP.DISCLSR 12/2015
Order on Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b)]   F 2090-1.2.ORDER.NONRES.ATTY 06/2016
Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [LBR 2090-1(b)] MANDATORY  F 2090-1.2.APP.NONRES.ATTY 06/2016
Summons and Notice of Hearing on Petition Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Chapter 15 for Recognition of a Foreign Nonmain Proceeding [FRBP 1010(a)] MANDATORY  F 2085-1.1.SUMMONS.CH.15 12/2012
Order Re Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case to Authorize Debtor-In-Possession to Employ Professional Other Than General Counsel   F 2081-2.5.ORDER.EMPLOY.OTHER 06/2015
Order RE Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case For Order Employing Professional [LBR 2014-1]   F 2081-2.5.ORDER.EMPLOY.GEN.COUNSEL 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Debtor in Possession to Employ Professional (Other Than General Bankruptcy Counsel)   F 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.OTHER 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion In Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Debtor in Possession to Employ General Bankruptcy Counsel; and to File Interim Fee Applications   F 2081-2.5.MOTION.EMPLOY.GEN.COUNSEL 06/2015
Order Re Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Debtor to Provide Adequate Assurance of Payment to Utility Service Providers [11 U.S.C. § 366]   F 2081-2.4.ORDER.UTILITIES 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Debtor to Provide Adequate Assurance of Payment to Utility Service Providers [11 U.S.C. § 366]   F 2081-2.4.MOTION.UTILITIES 06/2015
Order Re Motion to: (1) Authorize Payment of Prepetition Payroll; (2) Honor Prepetition Employment Procedures; and (3) Continue Paying Taxes   F 2081-2.3.ORDER.PAYROLL 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Debtor-in-Possession to: (1) Pay Prepetition Employment Payroll; (2) Honor Prepetition Employment Procedures; and (3) Continue Paying Taxes   F 2081-2.3.MOTION.PAYROLL 06/2015
Order Re Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Approving a Budget for the Use of the Debtor's Cash and Postpetition Income   F 2081-2.2.ORDER.BUDGET 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Approving a Budget for Use of Debtor's Cash and Postpetition Income   F 2081-2.2.MOTION.BUDGET 06/2015
Order Re: Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral   F 2081-2.1.ORDER.CASH.COLLATERAL 06/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion in Individual Chapter 11 Case for Order Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral   F 2081-2.1.MOTION.CASH.COLLATERAL 06/2015
Individual Debtor's Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization   F 2081-1.PLAN 12/2012
Individual Debtor's Disclosure Statement in Support of Plan of Reorganization   F 2081-1.DISCLSR.STMT 12/2012
Chapter 11 Status Conference Report (Initial)   F 2081-1.1.C11.STATUS.RPT 12/2016
Notice of Trustee’s Intent to Pay Administrative Expenses Totaling $5,000 or Less MANDATORY  F 2016-2.3.NOTICE.TRUSTEE.DISBURSE 12/2015
Order on Trustee’s Motion for Approval of Cash Disbursement   F 2016-2.2.ORDER.TRUSTEE.DISBURSE 12/2015
Notice of Motion and Motion Under LBR 2016-2 for Approval of Cash Disbursements by the Trustee; Opportunity to Request Hearing; and Declaration of Trustee   F 2016-2.2.MOTION.TRUSTEE.DISBURSE 12/2016
Order on Trustee's Motion Under Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-2 For Authorization to Employ Paraprofessionals and/or Authorization to Pay Flat Fee to Tax Preparer   F 2016-2.1.ORDER.TRUSTEE.EMPLOY 01/2016
Trustee’s Notice of Motion and Motion Under LBR 2016-2 for: Authorization to Employ Professionals, and/or Authorization to Pay Flat Fee to Tax Preparer   F 2016-2.1.APP.TRUSTEE.EMPLOY 12/2019
Order on Final Fee Applications Allowing Payment of: (1) Court and U.S. Trustee Fees; and (2) Final Fees and Expenses of Trustee and Professional Fees MANDATORY  F 2016-1.5.ORDER.TRUSTEE.FINAL.FEES 12/2016
Attorney’s Disclosure of Postpetition Compensation Arrangement with Debtor   F 2016-1.4.ATTY.COMP.DISCLSR 12/2015
Order on Application for Payment of: Interim Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 331); Final Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 330) MANDATORY  F 2016-1.3.ORDER.PAYMENT.FEES 12/2013
Application for Payment of: Interim Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 331); Final Fees and/or Expenses (11 U.S.C. § 330)   F 2016-1.2.APP.PAYMENT.FEES 12/2012
Notice of Hearing on Application for Payment of: Interim Fees and/or Expenses or Final Fees and/or Expenses   F 2016-1.1.NOTICE.HEARING.APP.FEES 12/2016
Subchapter V Trustee’s Estimated Fees and Expenses for Purposes of Plan Confirmation  (NEW) F 2015-3.2.SUBV.TRUSTEE.FEE.EST 03/2021
Subchapter V Status Report MANDATORY (REVISED) F 2015-3.1.SUBV.STATUS.RPT 06/2020
Statement of Disinterestedness for Employment of Professional Person Under FRBP 2014   F 2014-1.STMT.DISINTEREST.PROF 12/2016
Chapter 7 Trustee’s Motion to Dismiss Bankruptcy Case and Declaration that Debtor(S) Failed to Appear at Two 341(A) Meetings of Creditors   F 1017-2.1.MOTION.DISM.CH7.TRUSTEE 12/2014
Debtor’s Notice of Conversion of Bankruptcy Case From Chapter 12 to Chapter 7 [11 U.S.C. § 1208(a), LBR 1017-1] MANDATORY  F 1017-1.4.NOTICE. CONVERT.CH12 12/2012
Order on Debtor's Motion to Convert Case under 11 U.S.C. §§ 706(a) or 1112(a) MANDATORY  F 1017-1.1.ORDER.DEBTOR.CONVERT 12/2013
Debtor's Motion to Convert Case under 11 U.S.C. §§ 706(a) or 1112(a) MANDATORY  F 1017-1.1.MOTION.DEBTOR.CONVERT 12/2012
Statement of Related Cases MANDATORY  F 1015-2.1.STMT.RELATED.CASES 10/2018
Order on Motion to Approve Joint Administration of Cases MANDATORY  F 1015-1.1.ORDER.JOINT.ADMINISTRATION 12/2014
Notice of Joint Administration of Cases and Requirements for Filing Documents MANDATORY  F 1015-1.1.NOTICE.JOINT.ADMINISTRATION 12/2014
Summons and Notice of Status Conference in an Involuntary Bankruptcy Case MANDATORY  F 1010-1.SUMMONS.INVOL 12/2012
Corporate Ownership Statement Pursuant to FRBP 1007 (a)(1) and 7007.1, and LBR 1007-4   F 1007-4.CORP.OWNERSHIP.STMT 12/2012
Debtor’s Motion to Extend Time to File Case Opening Documents (with supporting declaration) [FRBP 1007(c), LBR 1007-1(b)]   F 1007-1.MOTION.DEC.EXTEND 06/2016
Verification of Master Mailing List of Creditors   F 1007-1.MAILING.LIST.VERIFICATION 12/2015
Amended Statement of Social Security Number(s) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number(s)   F 1007-1.2.AMENDED.STMT 06/2015
Summary of Amended Schedule, Master Mailing List, and/or Statements MANDATORY  F 1007-1.1.AMENDED.SUMMARY 12/2015
Declaration by Debtor(s) as to Whether Income was Received from an Employer Within 60 Days of the Petition Date MANDATORY  F 1002-1.EMP.INCOME.DEC 12/2015
Change of Mailing Address MANDATORY  F 1002-1.3.CHANGE.ADDRESS 06/2015