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Current Notice of Sales

Notices of Sales with Sale Dates of today and future dated are listed below.

* Last Date represents Last date to file objections

Sale Date or Last Date *sort ascending Notice of Sale Category
10/29/2024 RS-24-12741-MH Miscellaneous
10/22/2024 RS-22-12106-WJ Real Property
10/17/2024 SV-24-10860-MB Real Property
10/15/2024 RS-24-11399-WJ Equipment
10/15/2024 RS-24-12008-WJ Miscellaneous
10/10/2024 SV-23-10270-VK Real Property
10/10/2024 SV-23-11082-VK Real Property
10/08/2024 LA-24-13645-DS Miscellaneous
10/08/2024 RS-24-10144-WJ Equipment
10/08/2024 LA-23-15707-VZ Real Property
10/08/2024 LA-24-15573-BR Automobile
10/02/2024 LA-22-12084-SK Real Property
10/01/2024 ND-23-10601-RC Miscellaneous
09/25/2024 LA-24-16169-BB Miscellaneous