United States Bankruptcy Court Central District of California Edward R. Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse 255 E. Temple Street, Suite 1552 / Courtroom 1545 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Chambers (213) 894-6098
Courtroom Deputy (213) 894-4085 Court Recorder Contact (213) 894-1276
Emergency Motion Contacts (213) 894-6098
Order Setting Combined Hearing on Disclosure Statement & Ch 11 Plan [MS Word Version] Rev. 06/21/23
Sample Order re: Use of Cash Collateral
NOTE: The Chapter 11 Plan, Disclosure Statement, and Worksheet have all been superseded by the official forms available at these links: Chapter 11 Plan and Chapter 11 Disclosure Statement, also available on the court's main page under the Forms tab.
Instructions To Debtors’ Counsel: 11 U.S.C. §§ 506 & 522(f) issues Judicial Variance Statement for Judge Neil W. Bason Procedures (Revised 09/16/24) Sanctions Table Video/Remote Trial Procedures [MS Word] [Sample Order] New
Confirmation Hearings Calendar Chapter 13 Trustee's Law and Motion Calendar (11:00 a.m.)
Judge Bason's Procedures for In-Person, Video & Telephonic Appearances
**Hearings in Judge Bason’s courtroom (1545) are now simultaneously (1) IN PERSON in the courtroom, unless the Court has been closed (check the Court’s website for public notices), (2) via ZOOMGOV video, and (3) via ZOOMGOV telephone. You are free to choose any of these options, except that evidentiary hearings/trials must be in person in the courtroom (unless otherwise ordered).
For instructions to appear via ZoomGov (either telephonically or by video), please see the tentative ruling for the first matter on calendar for the date of your hearing (i.e., page 1 of the posted tentative rulings). You do not need to call Chambers for advance approval. ZoomGov appearances are free for all participants. The audio (but not video) will be recorded as the official record. See also https://www.cacb.uscourts.gov/news/zoom-video-hearing-guide-participants.
Appearances via CourtCall are no longer permitted (for technical reasons, it is not possible to have both Zoomgov and CourtCall running simultaneously). Please continue to monitor this website for updates. Thank you.
To appear by telephone or video, follow these procedures:
Information for Applicants: Employees of the United States Bankruptcy Court serve on an "AT WILL" basis and are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees.
Applications: Judge Bason accepts applications for his open law clerk position via online submission through the OSCAR website (https://oscar.uscourts.gov/), and accepts applications for his open law clerk and externship positions via hard copy submission to chambers at the address below, or via email to Jessica_Vogel@cacb.uscourts.gov. Applicants must provide a cover letter, résumé, law school transcript, writing sample, and a list of at least three references, including telephone contact information.
United States Bankruptcy Court Edward R. Roybal Federal Building and Courthouse Attn: Jessica Vogel, Law Clerk to the Honorable Neil W. Bason 255 East Temple Street, Suite 1552 Los Angeles, California 90012
For a description of Judge Bason’s clerkship opportunities and the terms of employment, please see his posting on OSCAR (https://oscar.uscourts.gov/).
Time commitment, and lack of payment. Externships may be either full time or part time. Full-time: five days a week, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Part-time: at least 16 hours per week, with at least two days 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The position is unpaid.
Experience. Judge Bason prefers to grant externships to law school students who have completed at least the first year of law school, but does make exceptions. Judge Bason also grants externships to law school graduates, and does not require that the extern take or pass the California bar exam.
Job Description. Judge Bason’s externs are exposed to a wide variety of opportunities both in chambers and around the courthouse. Externs are encouraged to sit in on hearings, including hearings held by any of the other Bankruptcy Judges or other Federal Judges in the building.
An extern begins his or her semester by reviewing basic bankruptcy concepts and the Bankruptcy Code and Rules. Law clerks carefully review each topic with the externs and Judge Bason discusses his stance on certain unclear or controversial areas of bankruptcy law that chambers staff see on a daily basis. Externs are also encouraged to attend a day-long training conducted by bankruptcy judges and other highly experienced bankruptcy professionals, covering everything from jurisdictional authority to ethical limits for externs.
Once the initial overview is complete, law clerks work with the extern to teach him or her how to prepare Judge Bason for routine motions - i.e., relief from stay motions (see 11 U.S.C. § 362) and motions to avoid liens (see 11 U.S.C. §§ 506, 1322(b)(2)). Law clerks spend a significant amount of time discussing the policy behind the workup and analysis before giving an extern his or her first assignment. During this period, an extern attends Judge Bason’s hearings on these matters. The extern also has the opportunity to observe Judge Bason’s chapter 11 calendars before which Judge Bason discusses the matter and any pertinent issues with the extern. Judge Bason allows extra time during these discussions for the extern to ask questions.
Once an extern masters the analysis for routine motions/applications, Judge Bason and/or the law clerks also assign the extern either writing assignments based on substantively complicated motions or research assignments for Judge Bason’s long-term review of cases. Depending on the complexity of the assignment, an extern may receive more than one assignment at a time. The law clerks review each assignment and give the extern an opportunity to edit his or her writing before Judge Bason reviews the work.
If an appellate court publishes a pertinent decision during an extern’s time with Judge Bason, Judge Bason generally asks externs to review the decision and prepare for a discussion with chambers staff. The extern should be prepared to discuss the facts of the case as well as the merits.
Externs receive a lot of contact and feedback from the law clerks and Judge Bason but they work independently and are encouraged to think outside the box. They are expected to approach their work with dedication, professionalism, and enthusiasm.
In addition:
Career Record:
Private Practice Specialization: