The Attorney Admissions Fund for the Central District of California is funding free access to a wireless internet network for attorneys and trustees doing business with the Bankruptcy Court. Wireless access is available on all courtroom floors in all divisions.
Use of computers in the courtroom is permitted only to the extent that it does not interfere with judicial proceedings or the ability of the public to observe the proceedings. A presiding judge may order the discontinuance of the use of such computers at any time.
The Court cannot provide technical support for the wireless network related to hardware, software or the operating system. Authorized users will be provided with a WEP key needed for access to the wireless network by contacting the CM/ECF Help Desk at (213) 894-2365.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Court's Wireless Network:
1. How do I connect to the Wireless network at the Bankruptcy Court?
If you are in the courtroom, you may contact the Court Recorder for the key needed to access the wireless network. Otherwise, you may contact the CM/ECF Help Desk at (213) 894-2365.
2. If there are too many users, will I be blocked from using the wireless network?
You will not be "blocked" from accessing the network because of too many users on the system. However, when many users are on the network, you may experience slower network performance.
3. Can I download large files?
The bandwidth available for the wireless internet connection is shared with all others on the network. To show consideration for others' needs, we ask that you not download excessively large files or access streaming audio/video.
4. What do I need to access the Court's wireless network?
You need a wifi enabled mobile device (e.g., iPad, iPhone, Android, etc.) or a laptop computer with a Wireless Network PC Card (802.11a/b/g). Most new laptops come with an installed wireless card. If you purchase a card for a laptop without a pre-installed card, follow the manufacturer's instructions to install it on your computer.