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Appear Pro Hac Vice

Per Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1, an attorney who is a member in good standing, and eligible to practice before the bar in any United States Court, but is not a resident of, nor regularly employed, nor engaged in business, in the State of California, may request to appear in a specific bankruptcy case or adversary proceeding by filing an Application of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case (pro hac vice).

A.   To Obtain Court Approval to Appear Pro Hac Vice:

  1. Complete an application, which may be downloaded here.
  2. Take the completed application to the Intake window of the District Court for the Central District and pay the fee required by a District Court Local Rule and noted on District Court Form G-64.  While it is not necessary to fill out and file Form G-64, the form contains the current fee information.
  3. A clerk at the District Court will stamp a copy of your application with a receipt of payment and/or provide a receipt.
  4. Take the receipt-stamped copy to the Bankruptcy Court Intake window and file your Application along with lodging an Order Approving Request of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b)] (or by Mail, click here for Divisional addresses).

B.   To Obtain Court Approval Electronically to Appear Pro Hac Vice

  1. Complete an application, which may be downloaded here.
  2. Pay the fee required by a District Court Local Rule and noted on District Court Form G-64. While it is not necessary to fill out and file Form G-64, the form contains the current fee information. Visit the Bankruptcy Pro Hac Vice payment processing site to pay by  NOTE: you will be directed to the District Court’s website.
  3. Attach a copy of the receipt to the application and save the document as a .pdf.
  4. Local counsel may file the application via CM/ECF.
  5. Local counsel may lodge the Order Approving Request of Non-Resident Attorney to Appear in a Specific Case [Local Bankruptcy Rule 2090-1(b)] via the Lodged Order Upload link via CM/ECF.