NOTE: This function will allow all registered ECF Users (except Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Trustees) to add, delete or modify your ECF account E-mail information as well as maintain and make changes to Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) delivery options directly in CM/ECF.
WARNING: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Trustees may not use this function to change their information. Changes required by trustees must always be mailed to the Clerk of the Court and submitted to the ECF support desk by email to (link sends e-mail).
Processing Instructions (Rev 10/28/2014):
- Log into CM/ECF using your ECF login and password.
- Select Utilities menu.
- Select Maintain Your ECF Account.
- Select E-mail Information.
- Add or delete or modify E-mail addresses and /or case numbers as applicable.
- Enter Your new email address
- When adding an E-mail address, it must be re-entered for validation purposes
- If entering multiple E-mail addresses in the same box, separate them with commas and check all applicable options.
- If entering secondary E-mail address(es) be sure to check the box appropriately if you wish notices to be sent to the secondary E-mail address(es)
- Specify how you wish to receive NEF notices by selecting:
- Send notices for both the Adversary case and related Bankruptcy case or
- Send notices for only the Adversary case or the Bankruptcy case
- Specify how often you wish to receive NEF notices by selecting:
- Send a notice for each filing or
- Send a daily summary Report
- Select "Return to Account Screen".
- Follow prompts and continue to Select Submit until you receive a confirmation message that the change has been successful.
NOTE: You may also access this information by selecting Maintain Your ECF Account (name, address, phone, fax, email or NEF options) where you can also make changes to your name, firm name, address, phone and fax numbers.
NOTE: To change your password click the link: Change Your Password.