5010-1(a)-(g): REOPEN A CLOSED CASE: Motion; Filing Fee
After a case is closed, if a party wishes to reopen the case to file more requests with the court, it is likely that an administrative fee is required. Fees are set forth in 28 U.S.C. 1930.
- Please consult the fee chart to determine if you are required to file a fee to reopen a case.
The TWO-STEP procedure of LBR 5010-1 is:
A. Get the case reopened:
- File a motion to reopen the case -- the court does not have a form notice.
- File a Notice of Motion for Order Without Hearing -- the court has a form notice -- see link below.
a. If you are the DEBTOR -- Check the box for LBR 9013-1(q)
b. If you are ANY OTHER PARTY -- check the box for LBR 9013-1(p)
- At the same time, pay the reopening fee if a fee is needed -- see chart below to determine if a fee is needed.
- Wait for the court to rule on the motion.
B. File the subsequent paperwork
- If the court grants the motion, THEN it is time to file the motion or other paperwork that needs to be filed now that the case is reopened.
Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
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