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REOPEN A CLOSED CASE: Motion; Filing Fee

5010-1(a)-(g):  REOPEN A CLOSED CASE: Motion; Filing Fee

After a case is closed, if a party wishes to reopen the case to file more requests with the court, it is likely that an administrative fee is required.  Fees are set forth in 28 U.S.C. 1930.

  • Please consult the fee chart to determine if you are required to file a fee to reopen a case.

The TWO-STEP procedure of LBR 5010-1 is:

A.  Get the case reopened:

  1. File a motion to reopen the case -- the court does not have a form notice. 
  2. File a Notice of Motion for Order Without Hearing -- the court has a form notice -- see link below.  

a. If you are the DEBTOR -- Check the box for LBR 9013-1(q)  

b. If you are ANY OTHER PARTY -- check the box for LBR 9013-1(p) 

  1. At the same time, pay the reopening fee if a fee is needed -- see chart below to determine if a fee is needed.   
  2. Wait for the court to rule on the motion.

B.  File the subsequent paperwork

  1. If the court grants the motion, THEN it is time to file the motion or other paperwork that needs to be filed now that the case is reopened.
Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
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