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Orders: Judgments: Electronic LODGING: Attorneys: LOU

1-15:  Orders: Judgments: Electronic LODGING: Attorneys: LOU

LOU stands for Lodged Order Upload, and this is the court's portal for CM/ECF users to deliver proposed orders and proposed judgments to the court electronically using a document prepared in MS Word.  

  • A proposed order or judgment must be served on other parties only when parties filed an opposition to the motion or other request, when parties entered into a stipulation or other agreement, or when the judge requires that the proposed order be served before it is lodged. 
  • If these conditions do not exist, or all parties have signed the proposed form of order, there is no reason to serve the proposed order before lodging it with the court.

If any parties do need to be served with a proposed order, DO NOT include a proof of service page on the back of the order.  Instead, LBR 9021-1(b)(3) provides that the party who lodges an order must first serve and file a "Notice of Lodgment."  Instructions for serving and filing a Notice of Lodgment are found in the "Lodged Order Upload" procedures.  See link below, at page 4.

The court provides two mandatory forms to use for a Notice of Lodgment:

  • Notice of Lodgment of Order in Bankruptcy Case -- See link below
  • Notice of Lodgment of Order or Judgment in Adversary Proceeding -- See link below  

The court provides a guide to use when preparing your order, to avoid problems when creating or uploading your order.  See link below

For technical assistance lodging an order electronically, contact the Call Center.  See link below

Section 1 - Common Bankruptcy Procedures & Information
Section Number or LBR Number: 
Reference to Common Topics: