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Notices: BNC - Delivered by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center

2-13:  Notices: BNC - Delivered by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center

FRBP 2002 and other rules require the court to deliver certain notices to parties in a bankruptcy case.  The Administrative Office of U.S. Courts has a contract with the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) to deliver these required notices.

In bankruptcy cases, the court also uses the BNC to deliver all orders to the debtor and debtor's attorney (unless the debtor's attorney receives notices electronically via CM/ECF). 

In adversary proceedings, the court also uses the BNC to deliver all orders and judgments to any party whose street address is listed on the docket for the adversary proceeding.   If any party is named in the adversary proceeding but does not have a street address on the adversary docket, the BNC will not deliver any orders or judgments to that party.     

See link below, page 15, for information when orders are delivered by the BNC.

Section 2 - Serving Documents & Giving Notice
Section Number or LBR Number: 