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Electronic Notice to Debtors: DeBN (Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing)

9036-1(c):  Electronic Notice to Debtors: DeBN (Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing)

All bankruptcy courts nationwide send bankruptcy notices to debtors using the "Bankruptcy Noticing Center" (BNC).

The standard method is for the BNC to send a first-class envelope to the debtor.

Now, a debtor can register for the BNC to send emails to the debtor instead of notices printed and mailed by U.S. mail -- This is called DeBN.

  1. File the Request to Activate Electronic Noticing.  See link below
  2. Respond to the email that the BNC sends to confirm your registration 
  3. Within approximately one day, DeBN will be activated and a debtor will begin to receive notices from the BNC the same day that attorneys and trustees receive the same notice from CM/ECF. 

This procedure applies ONLY to notices and orders that the Bankruptcy Noticing Center delivers on behalf of the bankruptcy court.  No other parties are authorized to deliver notices, motions or other papers to the debtor.

Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 