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Declaration: PENALTY OF PERJURY: Filed with the Motion

9013-1(i):  Declaration: PENALTY OF PERJURY: Filed with the Motion

LBR 9013-1(i) requires parties to use declarations signed under penalty of perjury when parties wish to present testimony to support a motion.  LBR 9013-1(i) is supported by FRBP 9006(d).

PLEASE SEE section 9014(d)-(e) in The Central Guide for more details and instructions.

NOTE: One common declaration that the court offers for debtors is a Declaration of Debtor re Postpetition Income and Expenses as of The Following Date. This court form can be used to support at least 6 motions and at least 2 responses to motions.

Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 