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Chapter 13: FILING BANKRUPTCY: Deadlines: Extension

3015-1(b)(2):  Chapter 13:  FILING BANKRUPTCY:  Deadlines:  Extension

FRBP 1007 provides deadlines for filing nearly all documents needed to begin and continue a bankruptcy case. 


  • Some forms must be filed the same day as the petition is filed.
  • Other forms must be filed within 72 hours of filing a bankruptcy petition.
  • Remaining forms must be filed within 14-days of filing a bankruptcy petition.

LBR 3015-1(b)(2) indicates that a debtor must comply with LBR 1007-1 in order to apply for an extension of the filing deadline.

  • If a debtor requests more time to file these documents, the court has a form motion.  See link below.  An extension of time is not guaranteed, and it is the discretion of the bankruptcy judge to extend a deadline.

See also section 1-07 of The Central Guide for more information about deadlines, orders to comply, and notices of deficiency. 

Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 