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CHAPTER 11: U.S. Trustee Requirements: 7-Day Package: Monthly Reports

2015-2(a)-(c):  CHAPTER 11:  U.S. Trustee Requirements:  7-Day Package:  Monthly Reports

The United States Trustee has the authority and duty to monitor progress and compliance in chapter 11 cases.  To assist with its monitoring, chapter 11 debtors must regularly submit or file reports and other forms that the U.S. Trustee attorneys and staff rely on to monitor activities of chapter 11 debtors.  These requirements being immediately after a chapter 11 bankruptcy is filed.  LBR 2015-2 provides that chapter 11 debtors must comply with filing of U.S. trustee reports and other requirements.

The U.S. Trustee for Region 16 supervises chapter 11 compliance. 

  1. The U.S.T.  provides a summary of guidelines and requirements for chapter 11 debtors in possession.  See link below.
  2. The U.S.T. has a 7-day package of forms that must be submitted to the U.S. Trustee during the first week of a chapter 11 case.  See link below.  Then scroll to the bottom to find "7-Day Package Forms."
  3. The U.S. T has monthly and other reporting forms that must be used in every bankruptcy districtSee link below to access those forms

NOTE:  See LBR 2015-2(c) for special requirement that holographic signatures must be filed as a separate document, and not filed within the report.

Section 4 - Match Local Bankruptcy Rules with Forms
Section Number or LBR Number: 
Reference to Local Rules and/or Forms: