On March 1, 2023, Chief Judge Theodor C. Albert issued General Order 23-01 which supersedes the operations described in General Order 21-05 as communicated in Public Notice 21-013.
General Order 23-01 was issued to update the Court’s operations as the Court follows guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and the State of California, which have lifted restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order directs self-represented litigants filing a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy to file in person, by mail, or through the Court’s Electronic Self-Representation module. The public computers and electronic kiosks at Intake areas are operational but may be disabled and re-installed as conditions permit. Intake Areas in all divisions remain open to the public to accept in-person filings. All other previously issued guidance regarding judges’ or courtesy copies, and mediations remains in place.
For further information, please visit the Court’s website at https://www.cacb.uscourts.gov. You may also utilize the website’s Chat Live function or contact the Court’s Call Center at (855) 460-9641, during normal business hours.