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PDF Documents and CM/ECF (rev. 7/1/2022)

Please be aware of which PDFs will be REJECTED or ACCEPTED by CM/ECF.

  1. PDFs with the following content will be REJECTED:
  • Does not comply with PDF format standards (see below)
  • Contains editable forms
  • Contains JavaScript
  • Encrypted or password-protected
  • Contains scripts which can launch an external application
  • Contains internal attachments
  • Contains audio and/or video content
  • Created with Mac OS X using a fillable form in the Safari browser
  • Created with Mac OS X using MS Word and selecting the option, “Best for printing”
  1. PDFs with the following content will be ACCEPTED:
  • Contains hyperlinks to external web sites
  • Meets the PDF-A standard
  • Contains optical character recognition (OCR) meta-data
  • Comprised of scanned documents
  • Created with Mac OS X using a fillable form in the Chrome browser
  • Created with Mac OS X using MS Word and selecting the option, “Best for Electronic Distribution”

Refer to the instructions below regarding PDF documents. This infomation is also posted on