1. What is Online Training?
The Court provides online training using electronic learning modules that through interaction explain the filing process of various documents in the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF) for attorneys, trustees and their support staff as well as limited filers and other professionals. The online training meets all requirements for the issuance of an ECF login. Upon successful completion of the training, attorneys, trustee, limited filers and other professionals will receive their CM/ECF login to file bankruptcy petitions and documents electronically.
2. How do I access the Online Training Course?
To access the online training course, you must first register from the Court’s homepage at www.cacb.uscourts.gov > CM/ECF > CM/ECF Training and Registration > CM/ECF Online Training Modules.
3. What are the computer software and hardware requirements for Online Training?
Use any browser such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome to view the learning modules. Additionally, it is recommended that you view the modules over a high-speed internet connection.
4. Can Legal Support Staff take the online training courses as well?
Yes, it is recommended that all legal support staff access the online training courses. However, only the attorneys, trustees, limited filers, and other professionals are required to submit the quizzes in order for the attorney to receive the live CM/ECF login and password.
5. Do I have to complete the training modules in order?
No, it is not required that you complete the training modules in any particular order.
6. What time is the system available to access the online training course?
The online training courses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you may encounter “page does not display” or timeout errors if there is a high volume of traffic to access the webpage. If you encounter these problems, please try accessing the modules at a later time.
7. How long does it take to complete all of the modules?
The training modules are designed to be viewed at an individual’s own pace. Each module’s time length is posted on the website next to the module’s course description.
8. If I start a module, do I have to complete it in its entirety?
Once you begin viewing a module you must complete it in its entirety in order to access the quiz and obtain your results. If you are in the middle of viewing a module and close out, when you return to view the module it will start from the beginning, not from where you left off. However, if you are in the middle of viewing a module and press the pause button, you will be able to start from where you left off after re-clicking the pause button.
9. How do I know which modules I have completed?
The quiz summary page is verification of the module you have completed. Each module contains a required quiz that you must take and pass. Upon successful completion you will see a quiz summary page with your test score, the title of the module, and a confirmation code. The quiz summary page must be printed and submitted to the Court in the form of a PDF via email to the ECF Help Desk at ECF_support@cacb.uscourts.gov.
10. I completed the Online Training courses. When can I start filing electronically?
The ECF Help Desk will review the material and contact you if any corrections are needed. Contact the ECF Help at ECF_support@cacb.uscourts.gov if you have not received your login and password after 5 to 7 business days from the day you submitted your quiz summaries and Certificate of Completion.