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Bankruptcy Basics - Part 1: Introduction

What is bankruptcy? What happens in a bankruptcy case? Bankruptcy is a legal process that provides relief for individuals who can no longer pay all of their debts. If you are considering bankruptcy, this video will give you basic information about the process, the relief it offers, and how to find the legal help you need.

2:50 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 2: Types of Bankruptcy

A brief review of the three main types of bankruptcy cases for individuals chapters 7, 11, and 13. The most common types of bankruptcy are chapter 7, which are liquidating bankruptcy, and chapter 13 cases, often used by individuals who want to catch up on past due mortgage or car loan payments and keep their assets.

4:06 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 3: Limits of Bankruptcy

Certain types of debt, such as child support, alimony, and most student loans, cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Wrongful conduct may make some debts non-dischargeable. Examples of such conduct are incurring credit card charges without the intent or ability to repay, or obtaining loans using false financial information.

4:44 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 4: Filing for Bankruptcy

How does someone file a bankruptcy case? In order to file for bankruptcy, an individual must take a credit counseling course to learn about alternatives to bankruptcy as well as accurately complete and file a number of documents.

3:08 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 5: Creditors' Meeting

Every debtor is required to appear at a creditors' meeting conducted by a trustee who asks the debtor questions about the debtor's financial condition and gives creditors the opportunity to do the same.

1:39 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 6: Bankruptcy Crime

A debtor must be honest and accurate in dealing with the court or face serious consequences, including being charged with a bankruptcy crime.

3:36 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 7: Courts Hearings

In some cases, a debtor may be required to appear at hearings before a bankruptcy judge.

3:52 Debtor
Bankruptcy Basics - Part 8: The Discharge

Debtors are usually able to discharge most or all of their debts. Once a debt is discharged, a creditor may not attempt to collect it from the debtor.

1:39 Debtor
Credit Counseling Requirements

Credit Counseling Requirements

2:40 Debtor
Filing Fees

This video explains the court's current filing fees and reviews options for paying those fees.

2:19 Bankruptcy
Filling Out and Filing a Proof of Claim

This video provides general information to creditors about filling out and filing a Proof of Claim with the Court.  A Proof of Claim is a written statement and any supporting documentation which describes the reason the debtor owes the creditor money.  The claim must be filed using Official Form 410.

7:40 Creditor
Holding Evidentiary Hearings Remotely

In this video, you will learn practical tips to become more confident for holding evidentiary hearings and trials remotely using ZoomGov.

1:17:18 Zoom
How to Use Electronic Self-Representation (eSR) Bankruptcy Petition Preparation System

Watch this video to learn how to use the Electronic Self-Representation (eSR) Bankruptcy Petition Preparation System to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition.

4:36 eSR
Personal Financial Management

This video  explains the requirements for completing the personal financial management course which is the second debtor education course for chapter 7 or chapter 13 individual debtor after filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy but before the debtor can obtain the order of discharge the debtor must complete an instructional course in personal financial management from an approved provider.

2:37 Debtor
Preparing, Pre-circulating and Staging Electronic Exhibits

Virtual court matters, such as evidentiary hearings, can be conducted efficiently utilizing electronic exhibits pre-circulated to all parties. This method of presenting documents can avoid the need to screen share in ZoomGov altogether or can be utilized to provide additional support while presenting through ZoomGov.

Please note, each judge has his/her own procedures for electronic submission and use of exhibits. Consult the judge’s trial procedures for the exact requirements. For instance, often judges expect the parties to make good faith efforts to resolve all evidentiary issues prior to the pretrial conference or trial date. Additionally, in term of sharing exhibits with parties, the required number of days in advance of the pretrial conference or trial date will likely differ so remember to always refer to the Judge’s trial procedures for the actual number of days.Art of the Possible Preparing Exhibits

Art of Possible Series

16:22 Zoom
Presenting Electronic Documents

Presenting Electronic Documents

Art of the Possible Series

12:20 Zoom
Presenting Paper-based Documents

Virtual court matters may require exhibits to be presented live, instead of being submitted to all parties ahead of time, depending on the preference of the judge. This may include evidentiary hearings, adversary proceedings, lawsuits, or other matters. In this video, you will see how to use the share screen function in Zoom and a document camera to present paper-based documents.

Art of the Possible Series

6:23 Zoom

This video will provide important information for debtors regarding reaffirmation agreements. The United States Court glossary defines a reaffirmation agreement as "an agreement by a debtor to continue paying dischargeable debt after the bankruptcy, usually for the purpose of keeping collateral or mortgage property that would otherwise be subject to repossession."

4:55 Debtor
Sharing a Portion of the Screen

In this video, you will see how to use the share screen function in Zoom to present documents on your computer.

Art of the Possible Series

6:10 Zoom
Utilizing Annotation Tools

In this video, you will see how to use the annotation tools in Zoom to mark up or highlight parts of a shared document exhibit.

Art of the Possible Series

7:17 Zoom